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Building Brand Credibility Online by Leveraging Testimonials

If there's one thing that potential clients are going to look for when they consider hiring you, it's a reason to trust you. We live in a time when there is an overwhelming amount of options and different routes to take with endless amounts of information. To stand out in the crowd, you need to show that you are a credible source and a trustworthy business.

How to Build Credibility through Testimonials

An easy way to show your audience that you know what you're doing and that you're a pleasure to work with is by leveraging client testimonials. By publishing the reviews of your past and current clients, your dream clients will be able to see what it's like to work with you and your small business.

Remember that time you went looking for a new pair of boots on Amazon? You found a GORGEOUS pair of boots that fit exactly what you were looking for and were in your price range. They look perfect... but I don't recognize the brand. What if they're not a real company? What if they're bad quality? Scroll down a little ways and you start reading... "Super comfortable and the customer service was great." "Received my package on time and LOVE the boots!" "Highly recommend. I wear them every day and they don't even look worn."

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The testimonials of other clients established credibility and cultivated a sense of trust in the brand because they bragged about their unparalled experiences. The reviews made all the difference between you reverting back to a brand you already know and taking a chance on a new brand that might be your next obsession.

This is why it's so useful to take advantage of the testimonials you're given from your customers.

How to Ask for the Testimonial

If you haven't done it a thousand times, asking for the testimonial can feel a bit... awkward. Rather than randomly trying to decide when a good time to ask a client for a review is, try asking after the following happens:

  1. The client experiences a big win directly stemming from your work.

  2. The client has been with you for three months and has seen positive results.

  3. The client sends you a message praising your work.

  4. The client is offboarding.

I personally also like to ask what we can do better for them and if they have any constructive criticism to go with their testimonial. A positive customer experience is priceless and the feedback of my clients is so useful for making sure future clients can have a wonderful experience too!

How to Leverage your Client Testimonials Online

There are several places you can pop a testimonial in to amplify your authority in your industry.

  • Social Media Posts. You can always create a standalone testimonial or review social media post, but I like to embed them into a value based post or promotional post. Be sure that the review relates to the post topic!

  • Instagram Highlights. I encourage all of my clients to allow us to start a Highlight Reel filled with good reviews. We frequently make a Story post featuring positive words about the business and add it right into that Highlight for potential clients to check out.

  • Website. Splattering a few testimonials in your website here and there, especially on your services page, is a great way to back your pitch. I personally have a Testimonial and a Case Study page on mine!

  • Service Guide. There's no better place to sprinkle in some kind words from a past client than your service guide or information packet. Trust me, your lead is going to want to read those testimonials.

  • And anywhere else a dream client might search to determine whether they think you're a good fit for them or not.

Final Thoughts on Utilizing Testimonials

It's easy to forget to publish testimonials when you get them, so try to throw them into your social post calendar as soon as it makes sense. I also recommend updating your website with new testimonials and case studies every once in a while. Remember that it's all about creating a sense of trust with your audience and proving to them that you're a good choice! Best of luck!

PS: If you're looking to elevate your brand's online presence while sliding some of that marketing pressure off of your plate, send me a message! My team specializes in done for you social media marketing services including content creation, engagement and community management, analytics, and more. We know that social media is a vital part of the business marketing game these days, but we ALSO know that, well, you're busy. And you don't have time to keep up with the constant updates and debates between whether Reels or Carousels are performing better and whether hashtags still work or not. Let us handle all of that while you focus on growing your business in a way that works for you.

Chat soon,


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